
Cosmetic dental veneers are an excellent option for enhancing your best accessory: your smile! Porcelain veneers are extremely aesthetic and durable, providing exceptional affordable results in as little as two appointments.


Why Consider Veneers?

Veneers allow you to completely change the way your teeth look in as quickly as two appointments. Since the process is personalised, you play a key role in determining what your new smile will look like. With our Digital Smile Design and Facially driven aesthetic technology we create smiles which blend not only with your oral architecture but also with your face profile, your color tone, eyes and your personality.

What Are Veneers?

Veneers are thin cosmetic restorations that bond to the front of your individual teeth. They cover the visible surfaces only, in contrast to crowns that encircle the entire tooth. As aesthetic restorations, each veneer is handcrafted for optimal cosmetics to mask any flaws behind them. Most people need anywhere from 6-10 veneers, depending on the shape of their smile. Some need fewer or more than others. During your consultation, we’ll create a plan that outlines the specifics and costs involved.


Do I qualify for veneers?

Before committing to dental veneers, our dentists at Angel Dental Care will need to make sure your smile is free of active decay or gum disease. We encourage you to reserve a one-on-one consultation to find out if veneers are right for you. We’re happy to guide you through the process!

What’s the process?

Our dental crown or bridge procedure is seamless and virtually pain-free. Our three step treatment plan is designed to keep you well informed.

Group 3789
Group 3790
Group 3791

Initial consultation

Our team will thoroughly investigate the work that needs to be done and determine the exact approach that is best for you.

Preparation Appointment

Our team will begin by numbing your mouth and then a layer of the tooth’s outer layer will be removed to ensure the crown will fit properly. After that impressions will be made of the tooth as well as those surrounding it. You may have a temporary crown after your first visit just to protect your tooth until we have your permanent crown ready.

Final Placement

Once made, you will come in to have your crown or bridge fixed into place, leaving you smiling from ear to ear.

Group 3789

Initial consultation

Our team will thoroughly investigate the work that needs to be done and determine the exact approach that is best for you.

Group 3790

Preparation Appointment

Our team will begin by numbing your mouth and then a layer of the tooth’s outer layer will be removed to ensure the crown will fit properly. After that impressions will be made of the tooth as well as those surrounding it. You may have a temporary crown after your first visit just to protect your tooth until we have your permanent crown ready.
Group 3791

Final Placement

Once made, you will come in to have your crown or bridge fixed into place, leaving you smiling from ear to ear.

Veneer Maintenance

We highly encourage our veneer patients to brush and floss daily, as well as schedule six-monthly cleans. If you’re someone who tends to clench and grind your teeth, it’s smart to invest in a nightguard to prevent unnecessary chipping. Find out if dental veneers are right for you.


What are the cost of Veneers

Costs are all dependent on the material you use (porcelain or composite), plus the amount of veneers. Most people need anywhere from 6-10 veneers, depending on the shape of their smile. Some need fewer or more than others. During your consultation, we’ll create a plan that outlines the specifics and costs involved.

We are fortunate to provide you with various payment plan options to make your dream smile a reality.

Payment options available

Have More Questions?

We invite you to book in for an obligation free consultation to help guide, educate and determine which treatment is right for you. We believe in supporting our patients in the decision making process and tailor their treatment to suit each individual’s budget and lifestyle.